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The Daily Digest: 5-26-09

Gov. Pawlenty and DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar honored veterans at a Fort Snelling Memorial Day ceremony.

Pawlenty vetoes anti-bullying legislation.

He also vetoed the medical marijuana bill.

He signed the Legacy bill and the primary seatbelt bill.

The Pi Press looks at whether Minnesota's welfare system is a magnet or an easy program to criticize.

The Pi Press recaps the session.

The New York Times picks up on the sharing agreement between Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher tried to discourage an audit of the Metro Gang Strike Force.

The Minnesota Historical Society is revising its budget cuts.

The Pi Press looks at which politicos tweet.

By the way, you can follow me on Twitter here.


President Obama said the U.S. and its allies will stand up to North Korea after the nation conducted a second nuclear test.

President Obama will announce his Supreme Court pick soon.

AP is reporting that President Obama picked U.S. Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The GOP is preparing to filibuster the pick.

DFL donor Sam Kaplan is being discussed as the possible ambassador to Morocco.

Klobuchar and DFL Rep. Collin Peterson will discuss flood issues today.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen is proposing a bill that would make it easier for overseas military members to vote.

GOP Rep. John Kline was in Normandy for Memorial Day.

The St. Cloud Times says rail isn't a priority for GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Former I-P candidate Dean Barkley helps the St. Paul Saints baseball team lampoon the U.S. Senate race.


Good-bye Scott Wente. Forum Communications announced that it was laying off Wente last week. Many have written that Wente is best known for being called the "Republican whore" by DFLer Mike Hatch. But I know Wente as a hard working reporter who wants to get the story right and stayed late to do it. I hope he lands on his feet with a note pad, pen and camera in his hand.