Capitol View®

There will be blood

DFL Sen. Tarryl Clark says the DFL controlled Senate is planning to hold confirmation votes tonight on Department of Employment and Economic Development Commissioner Dan McElroy and Department of Labor and Industry Commissioner Steve Sviggum. DFL Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller said this on MPR's Midday today:

Gary Eichten: "Are you expecting that some of the commissioners are going to be voted on?"

Larry Pogemiller: "I've said there are two commissioners left. We have voted on everything that the governor has put before us and there are two commissions left. Jobs and labor and economic development. And I believe that the state is not doing very well in either of those two areas. And I believe the votes are not there in the Senate to confirm either of those two commissioners. So its really a question if we take them up. If we take them up, they will not be confirmed. So it's a question of whether or not we take them up."

Eichten: "Is this is a question of payback?"

Pogemiller: "I believe that the votes have not been in the senate to confrim either of htem for many many months. I just think it's a question of whether the members particularly in the jobs area, I think the economic development direction that we have been on in hte l;ast seven years is not working. I think we need a new driection, we need some new leadership and we also need a professional in that job, in the area of job creation."