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The Daily Digest: 5-18-09

It's the last day of the legislative session and Governor Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders are no closer to a budget deal. House Democrats failed in their attempts to override Gov. Pawlenty's line-item veto of General Assistance Medical Care and a veto of a bill that increases taxes by $1 billion. They fell several votes short on each attempt. Failure to reach an agreement means Governor Pawlenty will be forced to cut spending on his own. He said he will not call lawmakers back for a special session.

MPR, the Star Tribune, AP, Forum Communications and the Pi Press have stories.

Forum Communications takes a look at unallotment.

Pawlenty also line-item vetoed $85 million in projects from the bonding bill. Here's a story. Here's the list of projects that got whacked.

Minnesota to divest from Iran under the new law.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Democrat Al Franken tells delegates at the Minneapolis DFL convention that he ran an efficient campaign.

Republican Norm Coleman makes his final argument to the Minnesota Supreme Court.

Politico says Coleman didn't weigh in on Franken's request that the court order Gov. Pawlenty to issue the election certificate after it rules on the appeal.


The U.S. says Pakistan is rapidly growing its nuclear arsenal.

During his commencement speech to Notre Dame, President Obama calls for "open minds" amidst the protests.

A biotech portion of a foreign aid bill draws criticism. DFL Rep. Betty McCollum is mentioned.

The Fed Chair tells DFL Rep. Keith Ellison that he expects demand for the central bank's loans to buy asset- backed securities is likely to rise in June.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar says he'll support the expansion of Northstar Commuter Rail when GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann does.

An ethanol rebellion is building in Congress. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.