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Senate sends Medical Marijuana bill to Gov. Pawlenty

The Minnesota Senate voted 38 to 28 in favor of a bill that would allow terminally ill patients to use marijuana to treat their pain. The bill is now headed to Gov. Pawlenty who has previously said he would veto the legislation.

Here's the Roll Call:

DFLers voting yes

Anderson, Bakk, Berglin, Betzold, Bonoff, Carlson, Chaudhary, Clark, Cohen, Dahle, Dibble, Doll, Erickson Ropes, Foley, Higgins, Kelash, Latz, Loury, Marty, Metzen, Moua, Murphy, Pappas, Pogemiller, Prettner Solon, Rest, Rummel, Saltzman, Scheid, Sheran, Seiben, Tomassoni, Torres Ray, Wiger

Republicans voting yes

Johnson, Koering, Michel, Vandeveer

DFLers voting no

Fobbe, Kubly, Langseth, Lynch, Olseen, M. Olson, Saxhaug, Skoe, Skogen, Sparks, Stumpf, Vickerman

Republicans voting no

Day, Dille, Fischbach, Frederickson, Gerlach, Gimse, Hann, Ingenbrigtsen, Jungbauer, Koch, Limmer, Ortman, Pariseau, Robling, Rosen, Senjem,