About the Young Reporters Series

Sadiyo Mohamed
Young reporter Sadiyo Mohamed, a Somali student at Lincoln International High School, documents her story as a recent immigrant to Minneapolis.
MPR Photo/Sasha Aslanian

The Young Reporters Series pairs high school and college-age reporters from diverse backgrounds with an experienced MPR producer to create compelling stories for MPR News.

Most of the stories have a first-person point of entry, and connect with larger issues that are timely and relevant in our community.

Participants gain experience in research, interviewing, field recording, writing for radio, digital editing and voicing.

Our participants generally come to us through existing youth media programs such as ThreeSixty Journalism, InProgress, or high school and college media programs.

If you are interested in participating, please contact producer Toni Randolph at 651-290-1223 or trandolph@mpr.org.