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The Daily Digest: 5-6-09

As Minnesota's long-running U.S. Senate race enters its sixth month, there is a divide over what should be done to change the state's election system.

The House backs forgiveness for the Xcel Energy Center loan. The Star Tribune, MPR and the Pi Press have stories.

The provision is a part of a much larger economic development budget bill.

The Star Tribune writes about the debate over a bill that requires vendors to post a sign that says cocoa bean mulch is harmful to dogs.

The Capital Investment Conference Committee could wrap up today and will include funding for the University of Minnesota's Bell Museum.

MAPE says the state can save money by cutting managers and consultants.

The Arts and Outdoors spending plans move ahead.

The House panel is still wrangling over the name of the council.

Gov. Pawlenty promotes from within to hire a new Administration Commissioner.

A tighter Minnesota quarantine proposal is headed to Governor Pawlenty.

There's a divide over the best way to provide flood relief to the Red River Valley.

The dispute popped up during a meeting in Washington D.C. over flood protection.

Minneapolis Medical Company may bolt for Wisconsin because of funding.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Republican turned Democrat Arlen Specter told the New York Times that he wants Republican Norm Coleman to win the Senate race (h/t The Political Animal).

He later backtracked on those comments to CQ.


An EPA report on ethanol has critics on both sides.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar demurs on whether she's interested in a soon to be vacant Supreme Court jobs. Side note: Do Democrats get this close to a filibuster proof majority and give Gov. Pawlenty the ability to appoint a replacement for Klobuchar?

DFL Rep. Tim Walz introduces a bill that would "increase the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefit paid to widows and widowers whose spouses died while on active military duty or as the result of a service connected injury or illness."

GOP Rep. John Kline says there is a united front on issues facing Afghanistan.

U.S. lawmakers, including DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar, aim to overhaul the Department of Transportation.

Oberstar may also be softening on his opposition to toll roads.

2010 Race for Congress

DFLer Elwyn Tinklenberg is also reportedly telling DFLers he plans on challenging GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann again. Maureen Reed, a former I-P candidate for Lt. Gov., is also reportedly running as a Democrat. She called me yesterday and said "I don't have anything to say today but will tomorrow."