Bain Boehlke named McKnight distinguished artist

Boehlke and Lehr
Bain Boehlke and Wendy Lehr, rehearsing last year for a production of "The Gin Game."
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

The McKnight Foundation has named Minnesota theater director Bain Boehlke as the 2009 McKnight Distinguished Artist.

Bain Boehlke has been doing theater ever since he was a kid in Warroad, Minn. He's worked for more than 50 years as an actor, a director and set designer. He's also founder and artistic director of the Jungle Theater in Minneapolis.

McKnight Art Program Director Vickie Benson says the Distinguished Artist Award recognizes individuals who've made significant contributions to the state's cultural life.

"So it's for a lifetime of work, but in particular because Bain chose to stay in Minnesota and really ground himself in the land -- that made him particularly special," said Benson.

The annual award, now in its 12th year, comes with a $50,000 cash prize given to the winner, and a book published about the artist.