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The Daily Digest: 4-27-09

The House and Senate return to the Capitol today after a one-day weekend. Lawmakers in both chambers take up their respective Health and Human Services budget bills Unlike Gov. Pawlenty's budget plan, the plans don't cut health care eligibility but do cut payments to providers.

On Saturday the House passed a Tax bill that includes a $1.5 billion tax increase.

On Friday, the Senate passed a Tax Bill that includes a $2 billion tax increase.

The State Government finance bill targets Lt. Gov. Molnau's ride.

North Dakota and Minnesota officials will head to Washington to call for flood protection.

The State Auditor releases a report today that examines the financial health of Minnesota's counties. The only problem is the report is from 2007 data.

MinnPost focuses on a debate over whether the state's requirements produce the best teachers.

Gay marriage in Iowa is stirring Minnesota.

The Dentists continue a campaign to criticize bills that change the oral health provider system.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The Pi Press says Democrat Al Franken is preparing for an office that he hasn't won yet.

A Star Tribune/Minnesota poll says most of those polled want Norm Coleman to concede the race.

Another poll by a DFL leaning group also found that a majority wants Coleman to concede.

The Minnesota Supreme Court set the schedule for Coleman's appeal.

Heads up fellow history geeks! The U.S. Senate historian releases a list of contested elections that appeared before the U.S. Senate.


The Minnesota Poll says 61 percent of those polled approve of the job President Obama is doing even though 51 percent think the state is on the wrong track.

The U.S. declares a public health emergency over swine flu.

Minnesota health officials are telling folks to be prepared.

Here's an explainer on swine flu.

The Obama Administration is rolling back rules requiring labor unions and their leaders to report information about their finances and compensation. GOP Rep. John Kline is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar plans to introduce a large transportation bill.

The DCCC created a website to start tracking GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's comments.

A Minnesota based immigrant group urges President Obama to visit Worthington.


Forum Communications speculates that Gov. Pawlenty may run for a third term because he updated his website.