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The Daily Digest: 4-22-09

Democrats in the Minnesota Senate release a Tax bill that hikes income taxes on everyone. MPR, Forum Communications, AP, the Star Tribune and the Pi Press have stories.

The governor's office points out that the plan raises property taxes.

Tough budget problems force Rochester to cut 75 teachers.

Gov. Pawlenty proposes a flood relief plan for northwestern Minnesota.

The I-35W bridge collapse victims praise the victim's compensation fund.

EPA action may kill the clean cars bill in the Legislature.

The Senate approves a Judiciary Finance bill that relies on user fees.

The Senate defeats a plan for a new hockey arena but a proposal to forgive a loan for the Xcel Energy Center advances.

The House HHS budget bill advances. A note on DFL Sen. Linda Bergin's door said the Senate HHS Budget bill won't be released until late this week or early next week.

Hospital executives, who are getting whacked under the House plan and the governor's plan, call for fair cuts.

GOP Rep. Marty Seifert seeks to stop state money to a Twin Cities Somali group.

GOP Rep. Steve Drazkowski filed a complaint with the Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility against the Wabasha County Attorney. The Red Wing Republican Eagle has the story.

Fewer young people are fishing but baby boomers are picking up the slack.

The Star Tribune looks at the energy alternatives in Minnesota and the difficulty with picking one of them.

Health plans record a break-even year.

2008 Race for Senate

Franken files a request with the MN Supreme Court to expedite the appeal.

Democrats in the U.S. Senate hedge on seating Franken.


President Obama signs a bill that expands Amercorps.

The House Speaker says the House will pass Climate Change this year.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar will help raise money for a New York Senator.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson says he doesn't support efforts to allow the Federal Reserve to regulate over the counter derivatives. He said the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which is overseen by Peterson's committee, should do the job.

Peterson also said most lawmakers don't "have a clue what's going on with" food safety reform.


CQ says there's No Clear Favorite in the race for governor. Note: The analysis doesn't mention DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (who hasn't said whether she'll run yet) and calls Matt Entenza a current lawmaker.

Violent crime is down in Minneapolis. Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak is mentioned.

MNProgressiveProject interviews Mark Dayton.


U.S. News and World Report says all of the GOP front-runners, including Gov. Pawlenty, are Christian Conservatives. Pawlenty spoke to the Evangelical Leaders Forum yesterday.