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The Daily Digest: 4-17-09

Minnesota's unemployment rate slightly increases to 8.2 percent.

AP talks to the House and Senate Tax chairs about their proposals that will be released. DFL Sen. Tom Bakk suggests a large part of his tax plan ($2 billion) will rely on income taxes.

DFL legislative leaders say Gov. Pawlenty should debate the budget in public.

The Senate Courts bill relies on fee increases to fund the courts.

The Health and Human Services bills still haven't been released because state finance officials can't produce the fiscal notes.

The state settles with every victim of the 35W bridge collapse.

Lawmakers from Central Minnesota want more money for roads and bridges sent to the area.

The state approves a massive powerline project.

The Minnesota Historical Society faces drastic budget cuts and calls for a large number of lay-offs and site closures. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

An anti-bullying bill gets preliminary approval in the Minnesota Senate.

Gov. Pawlenty appoints a Lakeville City Council member to the Met Council.


Interrogation memos show that the CIA used harsh tactics.

President Obama promises to slow the flow of arms to Mexico.

Obama releases his high-speed rail plan and it could possibly include a line to the Twin Cities.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar attended the event.

The feds will pay $1.7 million for the Red River cleanup.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar will introduce nutrition standards for schools.

AP profiles Klobuchar and says her wit delivers.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz says the transmission of renewable power is a political "hot potato."

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Police say someone threw eggs at Republican Norm Coleman's house.

Coleman explains his continued legal fight to the Star Tribune.

The Star Tribune takes a look at who gave (Hollywood folks like Tom Hanks gave to Franken, business execs gave to Coleman).

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson says it's time to seat Franken.


The Mesabi Daily News takes a look at who's running (or possibly running) for governor.

The Minnesota Independent says DFLer Elwyn Tinklenberg may try another run at GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann. Bachmann beat Tinklenberg in 2008.

CQ says GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen raised $225k in the 1st quarter.

2012 Watch

The RNC Chair says Gov. Pawlenty is a standard bearer for the party.

Gov. Pawlenty talks with Fox News about a Homeland Security report analyzing some on the right as radicals. He also bashes the media and says, "I don't think it is done" when asked about the Senate race.