Capitol View®

Where in the world is your member of Congress?

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is in Asia.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison is in Saudi Arabia.

GOP Rep. John Kline is reportedly in Pakistan.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz is making appearances throughout the District.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is in Stillwater today (which is in her district).

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen is in the Home District.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum is in the Home District.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is in the Home District monitoring the flood situation in northwest Minnesota and working on flood relief.

I'm checking on DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar's whereabouts. His spokesman didn't get back to me just yet.

Oberstar's spokesman sent this response on Oberstar's schedule:

This week he is attending a conference on global climate change that is sponsored by the Aspen Institute. One of the panels will specifically addresses how the reauthorization of the surface transportation bill can address climate change issues. As you know, this year Jim will be the primary sponsor of the six year bill that will authorize all federal surface transportation projects for the next six years.

Next week he will be in Houston to meet with the Texas Transportation Institute. This is the think tank at Texas A&M University that released the 2007 Urban Mobility Study which showed that traffic congestion costs Minnesota's economy $1.1 billion a year in wasted fuel and time.

After that he will travel to Wisconsin to meet with Mr. Obey about transportation funding issues.