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The Daily Digest: 4-8-09

Republican Norm Coleman is going the wrong way in his Senate fight. Democrat Al Franken picked up more votes after the three-judge panel opened up more ballots yesterday. Franken's lead is now 312 votes. Coleman's legal team says they will appeal. MPR, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press, AP, Forum Communications and MinnPost have stories.

Bloomberg says the recount could come down to the Bush v. Gore decision.

Powerline blogger Scott Johnson says Franken didn't steal the election but makes it clear he doesn't like him.

The conservative Weekly Standard, however, expresses concern.

Under the Dome

State lawmakers are back home for the Easter/Passover break. The Senate passed a funding bill that cuts education. MPR, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press and Forum Communications have stories.

Progressive groups criticize the cuts to K12.

House Democrats go after how Gov. Pawlenty pays for his staff.

The Pi Press picks up on a tax policy bill that was proposed a few weeks ago.

A group says many in the state are going without medical coverage.

Minnesota counties want to have a say in cost-control efforts.


President Obama visits troops in Baghdad.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar wants Vietnam to reopen adoptions for U.S. parents.

Klobuchar's approval ratings are also pretty high.

GOP Rep. John Kline is in Pakistan.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison says he wants to rebuild Saudi-U.S. bridges. He's in Saudi Arabia.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachman holds townhall meetings this week.

She also writes an op-ed criticizing cap and trade.

The St. Cloud Times says Bachmann will forego earmarks in 2010.

The Department of Transportation is set to approve an alliance sought by Continental Airlines. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Conservative groups will hold Tea Party protests across the state.


Matt Entenza's wife, Lois Quam, is leaving Piper Jaffray to start an incubator.

Minneapolis hands out $10,000 "forgivable" loans for some homebuyers.


The Political Animal points out some peeps at play.

Finally Finally

The Digest will be taking a break for a few days. I'll still post relevant stories and news on the blog. I just won't be getting up at 6 AM to do it.