Capitol View®

For your viewing pleasure…

Here's a look at the weekend's lineup

TPT's Almanac:

Looks at the deployment of the Minnesota's National Guard's "Red Bull" Infantry Division.

Dean Barkley, Peter Hutchinson and Curt Johnson will ponder the big challenges facing our state and nation in light of budget deficits and a reeling economy.

Minnesota Health Commissioner Sanne Magnan and Idil Abdull, one of the founders of the Somali American Autism Foundation will talk about the high rate of autism among young Somalis. Our guests are Health Commissioner Sanne Magnan and Idil Abdull, one of the founders of the Somali American Autism Foundation.

KSTP's At Issue:

U of M political science professor Larry Jacobs will talk about the politics involved with the long running U.S. Senate race. Hamline Professor David Schultz will talk about it from the legal perspective.

WCCO's Sunday Morning:

The sister and brother of Katherine Olson who was killed after she answered a craigslist ad for babysitting.

Kevin Smith, Executive Director of the Minnesota Twins, will tell us about opening day festivities for the Twins.

Joel Hoekstra, Managing Editor of Minnesota Monthly, will be here to talk about the Best Places to Live.

Political Analyst Larry Jacobs will be here to talk about the Senate Recount Trial.

On the National scene:

C-SPAN's Newsmakers -

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson.

CBS' Face the Nation:

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

CNN's State of the Union:

Topics: Auto industry and GM, with GM President Fritz Henderson, and Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich,. former General Electric Co. CEO Jack Welch, and White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod.

Fox News Sunday:

Topics: President Obama's trip, with David Axelrod, White House Senior Adviser; and the budget, with Gov. Mark Sanford, R-S.C., and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

NBC's Meet the Press:

Topic: Auto industry bailout. Guest: Fritz Henderson, CEO, General Motors.

ABC's This Week:

Not yet released