Minn. grandmother: Make fishing free for elders

State lawmakers are considering a bill that would let all Minnesota residents age 90 or older fish for free.

The measure, which was heard today by the Senate environment and natural resources committee, would issue fishing licenses without a fee to anglers in that age group.

The bill is named for Irene Long of Isle, a 91-year-old constituent of DFL Sen. Lisa Fobbe. Long told committee members that she wants to keep fishing with her friends on Mille Lacs Lake.

"When you've got fixed incomes ... we just would like to have the license even lower, or otherwise nothing at all, so we can all go fishing, because we all have such a wonderful time out there on the lake," said Long.

A DNR official told lawmakers that 937 fishing licenses were issued last year to residents age 90 or older. He did not speak against the bill, but estimated the measure would cost the state about $16,000 a year.

The base fee for a Minnesota adult fishing license is $17.