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The Daily Digest: 3-17-09

Gov. Pawlenty will release his revised budget this afternoon. No word if he's holding the news conference today because he's looking for the pot o' gold at the end of the Rainbow (In other words, Happy St. Patrick's Day). On Monday, Pawlenty continued his pitch of tax cuts and job growth.

Meanwhile, MPR reports that Democrats are criticizing Pawlenty because his Revenue Department predicts a $626 million property tax increase if Pawlenty's budget is approved.

The chair of the House Tax Committee released a tax bill that raises taxes on some and cuts taxes for others. The plan removes specific corporate tax breaks and cuts income taxes and other business taxes. The plan is revenue neutral but the chair hinted that a tax increase was coming when House DFLers releases their budget plan later this week. MPR, the Star Tribune and AP have stories.

The Senate approved the bonding bill. The chief author said the bill needs to become law quickly.

Gov. Pawlenty now wants to keep Sara Jane Olson out of Minnesota.

A committee approves a list of outdoors projects. MPR and the Pi Press have stories.

Lawmakers consider two bills today that would restrict payday loans.

The Mesabi Daily News says Gov. Pawlenty initiated a Mancinis meeting with the Iron Range delegation.

An audit finds that Minnesota colleges need a tighter focus on jobs.

Democrats in the House and Senate are proposing an overhaul of state health insurance. The Pi Press and MPR have stories.

Some Republicans are questioning the use of some federal stimulus money.

Political leaders push redistricting reform.

The Senate defeats school sharing.


There are more details on Vice-President Biden's visit to St. Cloud.

President Obama wants to stop the bonuses going to AIG executives.

He will also appear on Jay Leno.

MinnPost says Obama could learn something from Minnesota's efforts regarding greenhouse gas emissions. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen will be the commencement speaker at St. Olaf's graduation.

The Star Tribune says GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is playing defense on earmarks.

The Hibbing-Chisholm Airport receives 4.4 million in stimulus money. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The GOP is eyeing Bush vs. Gore in the election fight. Top Republicans are urging Republican Norm Coleman to keep the lawsuits going.

The Hill says Coleman's campaign is working to squelch rumors that he will become RNC Chair. Coleman's campaign spokesman said Coleman wants to work with Michael Steele.

A New Jersey based Jewish group is raising money for Coleman.


Pawlenty appears on CNBC.