Astra Taylor takes philosophy to the streets

Astra Taylor
For "Examined Life" writer/directer Astra Taylor asked big name philosophers to talks about how their discipline is applicable in modern life. It's her second documentary about philosophy. She profiled the so-called 'philosopher rock star' Slavoj Zizek a couple of years ago.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

Writer-director Astra Taylor says with the challenging economic and political times we face, we need deeper thinking more than ever.

"What are our responsibilities to others?" she asked. "What is this obsession in our society with the self made individual, the autonomous individual? Are we actually more connected to each other than previously when we thought we were doing a bit better?"

Cornell West
Cornell West speaking in the back of a New York taxi cab in a scene from "Examined Life." West is one of eight philosphers interviewed in Astra Taylor's documentary,
Image courtesy Walker Art Center

So, as she told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr, she got her crew together, and went for a walk with eight major philosophers. She literally took philosophy to the streets.