Capitol View®

The Daily Digest: 3-10-09

Tax talk is heating up at the Capitol. A study of tax collections by the Minnesota Department of Revenue said the state's tax code is getting more regressive (wealthy paid fewer taxes as a percentage of income). MPR and the Pi Press have stories.

The DFL controlled House looked at placing some restrictions on media access on the House floor and in committee hearings. WCCO, ECM, Radio Free Nation and MPR's News Cut blog takes a look at the issue. Full disclosure alert: The proposed changes would impact how I do my job and I have asked that no changes in access happen.

The press corps was told nothing would change (right now) but just two hours after the meeting, Don Davis with Forum Communications was hassled in a committee meeting.

Essar Steel is looking for help to finance a northern Minnesota steel plant.

Schools can't start before Labor Day.

$40 million is urged to secure a northern Minnesota forest.

The Star Tribune, however, reports that concerns about a lack of Twin Cities projects could stall the funding created from the outdoors and arts amendment.

A DFL Senator takes aim at drug company gifts to doctors.


DFL Rep. Collin Peterson says President Obama's Farm Budget is DOA.

Peterson also wants to study how farmers can help control climate change.

Democrats face an internal revolt over President Obama's agenda.

U of M researchers praise Obama's decision on stem cells.

Renters are left out of Obama's bailout plan. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison is mentioned.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar attended the Farmers Union convention.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar wants the ban on French cheese lifted.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The absentee ballot pool shrinks which may make it harder for Republican Norm Coleman to make up the vote difference with Democrat Al Franken. AP, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune and MinnPost have stories.

The Fix wonders whether the race will ever end.


MNProgressiveProject interviews DFL candidate Matt Entenza.

The mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul are on MPR's Midmorning this hour.


The McLaughlin Group says Gov. Pawlenty is a serious GOP contender in 2012.