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Barkley running campaign debt…

Dean Barkley, a one-time U.S. Senator (appointed by former Gov. Jesse Ventura) and 2008 U.S. Senate candidate for the I-P, is running a campaign deficit. In an e-mail to supporters, Barkley said he would probably win the election if it were held today. He also said he understands if people don't want to give him money.

Here's the pitch:

Once again I would like to convey to you my appreciation for all of the work and financial help you gave to my U.S. Senate run. I think if the election were held again today, I would probably win based upon the re-count fatigue that has set in.

Unfortunately I have to do something that I did everything to avoid. I need to ask for your help covering some unanticipated costs that the campaign incurred at the end of the race. I know that asking for money to retire debt is that last thing that a candidate wants to do but I am asking you one last time to make a contribution to help with these costs. Whatever you can afford would be appreciated and I understand completely if you decline my ask for help. The economy is in the tank and the last thing you probably want to do is send a contribution...