Art Hounds: Week of Feb. 26

Each week Minnesota Public Radio News asks three people from the Minnesota arts scene to be "Art Hounds." Their job is to step outside our own work and hunt down something exciting that's going on this weekend.

This week:

Tiffany Besonen
Tiffany Besonen is a visual artist and art teacher in Northern Minnesota.
Photo Courtesy of Tiffany Besonen

Tiffany Besonen is a visual artist and art teacher in Northern Minnesota. Tiffany visited the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center to see an exhibition of wood prints by childrens book illustrator Betsy Bowen, which runs through March 28.

More information here

Sarah Gioia
Sarah Gioia is a writer, director and dramaturg in Minneapolis.
Photo Courtesy of Sarah Gioia

Sarah Gioia is a dramaturg, director and casting director in Minneapolis. Sarah is looking forward to seeing the one-woman show "No Child," which is on stage at Pillsbury House Theatre in Minneapolis through March 22.

More information here

David DeYoung
David DeYoung is the founder of, a local music and theater blog.
Photo Courtesy of Nicholas Marshall Photography

David DeYoung is the founder of, a local music and theater blog. DeYoung plans to be at the Bryant Lake Bowl this Sunday, March 1, to see Minneapolis singer songwriter Ben Connelly. Connelly will be celebrating the release of his new cd "The Great I Don't Know Why."

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