State Capitol activities remember Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
A photograph of President Abraham Lincoln taken by Matthew Brady in 1861. This year marks the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, and activities are planned throughout the year to remember the 16th President.
Image courtesy of the Meserve-Kunhardt Collection

Although Abraham Lincoln was actually born on February 12th, Minnesotans are remembering the 200th anniversary of his birth on this President's Day.

State Rep. Dean Urdahl (R-Grove City) says there are numerous activities planned at the Capitol in St. Paul to remember Lincoln.

"We have a rotunda ceremony. There will be displays around the Capitol about Abraham Lincoln. There'll be a Lincoln impersonator on the floor of the House of Representatives giving the Gettysburg Address. There'll be a resolution commemorating Lincoln's birthday read by myself and some other legislators," said Urdahl.

Urdahl, who is a member of the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, says events are planned throughout the year, including forums, symposiums, musical presentations and a one-man play.

Urdahl says America's 16th president never visited Minnesota, but his impact is still directly felt here. In 1862, Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, which provided land to many immigrants coming to the state.