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The Daily Digest: 2-9-09

President Obama will hit the road today to build public support for the stimulus package. He's speaking in Elkhart, Indiana where job losses continue to mount.

He will also hold a primetime news conference this evening.

The Senate will resume debate today over the package. A deal was reached over the weekend.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar supports the plan and says it will get the people back to work.

There will be major negotiating if the Senate passes the bill since the House and Senate have different priorities.

Meanwhile, DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is pushing a bill to limit credit swaps.

Peterson also said more cows should be headed for retirement since milk prices are tanking.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum is said to support a high-speed rail route that doesn't include Rochester.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar says the threat of piracy worldwide could increase shipping costs.

State Government

A bill being introduced today would allow video slots in bars and the MSP Airport.

The DNR may have allowed a major fish virus into Minnesota. They spent $11,000 in taxpayer money to drain a lake after DNR officials allowed fish to be transferred there.

The Star Tribune takes a look at a debate at the Capitol regarding who can cash in on someone's life insurance policy.

The Pi Press says Gov. Pawlenty's budget removes dental care for the poor.

The budget crisis is also causing a court backlog.

The Outdoors Council seeks a bridge loan.

Some bar owners still oppose the statewide smoking ban.

The one-year anniversary of its enactment is today.

Medical marijuana will get another hearing this week.

The health department will test the effects of firefighting foam.

Forum Communications says rural hospitals and nursing homes face budget problems under Gov. Pawlenty's budget proposal.

AP says the state's budget could be hurt as a result of the alleged Madoff scheme.

The state may tap out of jobless aid funds.

GOP House Minority Leader Marty Seifert says session is off to a slow start.

Bills are introduced to change deer hunting.

2008 U.S. Senate Race

DFLer Al Franken did a host of interviews over the weekend. He talked with several outlets including MPR, KARE, the Pi Press and Forum Communications on Friday. He also did a live sit-down with WCCO on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Republican Norm Coleman spoke with MPR and KSTP (

can't find link yet


The Pi Press says Coleman is relying on absentee ballots from heavy GOP areas.

The Star Tribune takes a look at how much longer the recount trial could last.

AP says there's no end in sight.

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie talked about the recount at a national conference.


Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak makes his third run for mayor official.