Sen. Amy Klobuchar talks about the stimulus package and Obama

2008 Democratic National Convention: Day 1
For the time being, Sen. Amy Klobuchar is Minnesota's lone senator in Congress until the election between Norm Coleman and Al Franken is decided.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Top executives whose companies are seeking a government bailout will have to agree to capping their salaries at $500,000.

President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced the new restrictions today. They will affect companies seeking "exceptional assistance" from taxpayers through TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program that congress passed last fall.

President Obama also urged Congress today to pass an Economic Stimulus bill quickly to avoid letting the current recession turn into what he called 'a catastrophe.' The House passed its version last week, but the Senate is struggling to pass a larger bill, which totals around $900 Billion.

Minnesota's U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar joined Tom Crann by phone to talk about these issues.