Minnesota may receive billions from federal stimulus

Governor Tim Pawlenty says Minnesota could get several billion dollars from a federal economic stimulus package.

Pawlenty's budget includes a placeholder amount of $900 million in stimulus money, but he said that number is likely to change.

Pawlenty said Wednesday morning that Minnesota could get an estimated $3 to $4 billion.

The Republican governor has criticized the stimulus package that passed the House. Pawlenty says it does not focus on infrastructure such as roads and bridges, and instead includes longer-term projects such as the energy grid.

"It's a very important thing from an economic development standpoint and it'll be very helpful and it needs to be done. But it could take years and years to build, and I'm not arguing with the merits of it, I'm just saying it doesn't belong in a crisis emergency bill designed to try to create a kick-start right now to the economy," Pawlenty said.

Pawlenty said under the House bill, most of the stimulus money going to states is designed for specific areas such as education and Medicaid.