Minnesota's share of federal stimulus -- House version

A simplified breakdown of the federal stimulus for Minnesota proposed by a House bill passed this week in Congress. The U.S. Senate will vote on the bill next week.

  • Fiscal stabilization: $1,075,912,000 (1.1 billion)

  • Title I: $117,613,000

  • Special education: $216,410,000

  • Ed technology: $9,047,000

  • K-12 construction: $,606,000

  • Child Care: $25,965,000

  • CSBG: $12,302,000 (community services block grants)

  • Byrne JAG: $45,504,000 (crime prevention and enforcement grants)

  • WIA-Adult: $5,462,000 (Workforce Investment Act Program)

  • WIA-Youth: $14,483,000 (Workforce Investment Act Program)

  • Dislocated workers: $10,922,000

  • Highways: $477,702,000

  • Clean Water: $111,678,000

  • Drinking water: $36,011,000

  • Weatherization: $210,819,000

  • State energy pgm: $73,124,000

  • Medicaid: $355,386,000 (2009) (temporary increase in the Medicaid matching rate)

  • Medicaid: $382,040,000 (2010) (temporary increase in the Medicaid matching rate)

    TOTAL: $3,306,986,000 (3.3 billion)

(Source: National Conference of State Legislatures)