MAC approves deal with Delta

The Metropolitan Airports Commission has given initial approval to a deal with Delta Airlines that includes job and flight commitments.

Delta is formalizing the promises it made to keep up employment and flights in Minnesota after acquiring Northwest Airlines last year. Delta is guaranteeing it will average 400 outgoing flights a day from the Twin Cities airport. That's about the current average for both carriers now.

Delta also says it will employ at least 10,000 workers in the state. That's about 2,000 fewer employees than the combined operations now have in Minnesota.

Delta attorney Ben Hirst says the deal required concessions by both sides.

"It works for us and it seems as though it should work for the state. And that's where I think we ended up. Presumably, the state would like to have more control over Delta than it does and we would like to have less. It's a compromise all around," Hirst said.

Delta says it will also keep some headquarters functions in the Twin Cities.