Obama administration wants to hear from you, via the Internet

Obama delivers major speech on economy
President-elect Barack Obama delivers a speech on the economy at George Mason University January 8, 2009 in Fairfax, Va.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Barack Obama becomes the United States' 44th Commander in Chief in just six days. And the Obama transition team wants to get your ideas for the next Administration, via the Internet.

Starting Tuesday, Jan. 14 through Inauguration Day, the Web site Change.gov is inviting you to click on its online suggestion box.

Clicking on the 'Citizen's Briefing Book' link gives you the chance to advise the incoming administration about any issue they'll have to deal with in the next four years.

Matt Meents is CEO of the company that created Obama's Web-based "suggestion box". His company, Reside, is based in Minneapolis and Meents talked with MPR's Steven John about the site and how it works.