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Franken asking MN Supremes to issue election certficate

Al Franken's attorney, Marc Elias, said the campaign is asking the Minnesota Supreme Court to issue an election certificate. Gov. Pawlenty and Secretary of State Mark Ritchie said they won't sign the election certificate. They argued that they can't sign it until the court clears up Republican Norm Coleman's complaint in the courts. Update: Here's the petition that was just filed.

Update: Here's the conference call featuring Franken attorney Marc Elias:

Coleman's team will hold a conference call shortly.

Coleman campaign attorney Fritz Knaak called Franken's filing the "epitome of arrogance" and said Franken's team knows it can't win in the election contest phase of the election. Here's the audio from the call:

FYI - Bob Collins live-blogged the Franken call on MPR's News Cut Blog.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: A bunch of voters file suit to have their votes counted in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race. Here's the petition.