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The Daily Digest: 1-12-09

Good morning. I'm back after a two and a half week break where my plan to boost Minnesota's census count succeeded.

Not much has changed in my absence. The Senate race is still in flux with DFLer Al Franken leading and Republican Norm Coleman questioning the process.

The Legislature convened but they're facing a massive state budget deficit. There's plenty of talk and proposals to address it but nothing is set in concrete. Meanwhile, local government officials are worried.

The only thing that has changed is the beard of Bill Salisbury with the Pi Press. As one colleague pointed out - He may look like ZZ Top soon.

2009 Legislature

Legislative leaders start planning for an economic stimulus package.

Minnesota will also receive a report on budget trends this morning.

State Finance officials will release how much the state has provided bridge victims and their families.

AP says the need for social service programs in increasing as funding is on the chopping block.

A deal is possible on the storage of newborn's blood.

DFL Sen. Tom Bakk is seeking an increase in bonding authority.

The Pi Press says the DNR is selling land to plug a hole in the budget.

2008 Senate Race

DFLer Al Franken will attend Barack Obama's inauguration.

Republican Norm Coleman says Democrats are blocking constituent service.

KSTP and the Star Tribune say Franken and Coleman shared the stage to support Israel. Gov. Pawlenty, DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar and GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann also attended.

The Pi Press has some questions and answers on the Senate race.

Politico says the GOP sees Franken as the top public enemy.

The Star Tribune says Coleman is casting a wider net for votes.

Forum Communications says some voters are surprised to be a part of Coleman's lawsuit.

PIM names Mark Ritchie the state's politician of the year.


President Bush and President-elect Obama are pushing for the second phase of the stimulus package for Wall St.

AP says the money will come with strings attached.

President-elect Obama says the stimulus plan needs to help people.

Obama says he plans on closing Gitmo.

The U.S. House passed a resolution in support of Israel. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison and DFL Rep. Betty McCollum vote present.

AP says there will be a national push to ban cell phone use while driving.

Some small toy company officials are complaining about new regulations pushed by Klobuchar.

There is a renewed effort to push card check.

NPR takes a look at the trouble facing the FAA. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

2008 RNC

AP says the GOP Convention didn't bring permanent business.