Cities, counties get hit by state budget cuts

Bad budget news
Minnesota Management and Budget Commissioner Tom Hanson, State Economist Tom Stinson and state budget director Jim Schowalter delivered Minnesota's bad budget news.
MPR Photo/Tim Nelson

Gov. Tim Pawlenty cut $110 million in state aid and tax credits to cities and counties in order to balance the budget that ends on June 30th. Much deeper cuts are likely still to come, as the state struggles with a projected $4.8 billion deficit in the next biennium.

One of the cities that will feel the pain is Coon Rapids. The northwest Minneapolis suburb was expecting more than $800,000 in this round of payments from the state. Now, it won't get any money at all.

Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with Matt Fulton, the city manager in Coon Rapids. Fulton is also on the board of the League of Minnesota Cities.