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The Daily Digest: 12-24-08

Paging Senator Short! Senator Short? Oh, wait. It appears Minnesota may be one senator short when the U.S. Senate convenes on January 6th. Secretary of State Mark Ritchie said the recount could still be going on and on and on. MPR, AP, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

Here's a timeline for those keeping score at home.

The Pi Press details the plan for rejected absentee ballots. The plan needs court approval first.

The campaigns are waiting for the Minnesota Supreme Court to rule on Coleman's argument that double counting occurred during the recount. The court held a hearing yesterday.

Harry Reid to Gov. Pawlenty: Drop Dead.

State Government

Gov. Pawlenty taps former acting MnDOT chief Bob McFarlin to a seat on the Met Council.

Pawlenty also asks for federal aid for Wilkin County.

Washington County looks to cut the budget as a result of a cut to state aid to local governments.


Congress moves to crack down on bailout recipients who aren't disclosing how they're spending taxpayer money.

Election Data Services says Minnesota will lose a congressional seat.

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman sends his wish list to Washington.

Bloomberg says rail takes a backseat as states target the stimulus for roads. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

The SEC acts on credit default swaps. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

Voyageurs Park prepares for the new handgun rule.

The court reinstates an air quality rule.


Economic data is expected to show more weakness in the economy.

Even Christmas tree retailers are seeing a drop in sales.


Nearly half of the RNC cases are thrown out.


President-elect Obama released a report saying the campaign/transition team had no inappropriate contact with the governor of Illinois.

Obama was also interviewed by the feds on the matter.

Obama will take the oath of office on a bible used by Lincoln.


MinnPost handicaps the governor's race.


The blog is taking a few days off for the Holidays. We'll be back on Monday. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah.