Investigation: head of Combatitive Sports Commission violated ethics

Scott LeDoux
Scott LeDoux, executive director of the Minnesota Boxing Commission
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

The results of a state investigation allege the head of Minnesota's Combative Sports Commission violated the law by accepting a gift of free tickets.

A new report from the Office of the Legislative Auditor says Scott LeDoux accepted 18 complimentary tickets last summer from the promoter of a mixed martial arts event regulated by the Combative Sports Commission.

He later gave the tickets to friends and family members. LeDoux is executive director of the commission.

Legislative Auditor James Nobles say LeDoux violated a state ethics law that applies to executive branch employees.

"It's not a criminal violation per se, but the law provides for disciplinary action up to termination. So that will be up to the governor to decide, because the executive director is appointed directly by the governor," Nobles said.

In a letter to Nobles, LeDoux wrote that he was unaware that his actions were a an ethics violation, and he has stopped the practice.

A spokesman for Governor Tim Pawlenty said the governor is disappointed by the findings and will take steps to address the matter.