Voices on the environment

Deborah Swackhamer and Dave Tilman
Deborah Swackhamer and Dave Tilman
University of Minnesota

Midday presents a "Voices of Minnesota" interview with Dave Tilman and Deborah Swackhamer. The two University of Minnesota professors discuss climate change and other environmental issues.

G. David Tilman is this year's winner of the prestigious International Prize for Biology. Tilman is a University of Minnesota Regents' professor of ecology. He studies the ecological effects of human domination of the earth, including the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity; population ecology, effects of habitat destruction and more.

Deborah Swackhamer is co-director of the U of M's Water Resources Research Institute. Swackhamer is the new chair of the science advisory board to the Environmental Protection Agency. She has studied how PCBs, dioxins, and pesticides have gotten into Great Lakes; she's analyzed sediment accumulation, the impacts of endocrine disruptors and more.