Klobuchar pushes jobs plan

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is in Rochester today as part of her Main Street Jobs Tour.

She is spending the week visiting with business leaders in 17 counties across Minnesota, talking about how to stimulate the economy and create jobs.

The senator said she plans to push Washington to rush an economic recovery package through as soon as possible. She said the need for job creation and other economic projects is urgent.

Klobuchar said Minnesota is fourth in the country in wind power but she would like to see more wind turbines and transmission lines included in any plan.

"But also some manufacturing incentives, because we want to create jobs all across the spectrum here so that there are not just high tech jobs, there are also manufacturing jobs. And that is what is great about these energy jobs, they are not just for people with graduate degrees. They really go through and ripple through our economy," Klobuchar said.

The senator said she is hopeful that there will be bipartisan agreement on an economic recovery package once President-elect Obama takes office in January.