MSP adds restaurant outside security gates

Ticketing area at MSP
Ticketing area at MSP
MPR Photo/Jeff Horwich

People picking up or dropping off Thanksgiving travelers at the Twin Cities airport have a new option this year.

Airport spokesman Patrick Hogan said people can have a much more pleasant time this year when they're waiting to greet friends and family, or bidding them farewell.

"The thing to remember this year is there is a place where people can go to either see off friends and family or to welcome them home. There is new Houlihan's restaurant, which is available to everybody, whether or not they're flying, in the ticketing lobby of the Lindbergh Terminal. I think that is something people will find very useful this year. It's much more comfortable place to wait than circling the curbside or waiting down in baggage claim," Hogan said.

Hogan said the airport expects six to seven percent fewer travelers this holiday season, largely due to worries about the economy. But planes are still likely to be crowded because airlines have cut flights.