Coalition prepares to monitor recount

A coalition of watchdog and voter integrity groups are banding together to monitor the recount in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race.

Unofficial results show Republican incumbent Norm Coleman leading Democrat Al Franken by 206 votes, which triggers an automatic recount.

The League of Women Voters, Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota and Common Cause Minnesota will try to have observers at every recount location.

Keesha Gaskins, Executive Director of Minnesota's League of Women Voters, said she does not expect any major problems, but will be watching to make sure the process is fair.

"We anticipate that the recount will be fine. We anticipate that there shouldn't be any problems. But at the end of the day we are not vested in any particular outcome and we will report, in fact, what occurred," Gaskins said. The State Canvassing Board meets tomorrow on Tuesday to certify the official Senate race results, and will order the recount.

The hand counting will begin on Wednesday in many counties.