Judge throws out Coleman ad complaint

Senator Coleman holds a press conference
A lawsuit filed by U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman over ads aired by his opponent Al Franken have been thrown out by an administrative judge.
Cory Ryan/Getty Images

A judge has dismissed a legal complaint filed by Sen. Norm Coleman against his Democratic opponent, Al Franken, over a claim in a Franken TV commercial.

Coleman took issue with a Franken ad that called Coleman "the fourth most corrupt senator in Washington." It cited a Washington ethics watchdog group that Coleman says is biased toward Democrats.

But administrative law Judge Barbara Neilson ruled Thursday that Coleman failed to show probable cause that the Franken campaign knew the ad was false.

Coleman's complaint was filed before the Nov. 4 election.

The two campaigns are now embroiled in the upcoming statewide recount in their close race. Franken spokesman Andy Barr is praising Neilson's decision and calling Coleman's lawsuit "ridiculous."

The Coleman campaign didn't immediately respond to the decision.