About half of school levies pass in Minnesota

Levy campaign
Signs like these were scattered across lawns in Minneapolis, in support of the Nov. 4, 2008 operating levy.
MPR photo/Tom Weber

Results aren't known yet in three districts, including three questions in Duluth, because of precincts that haven't reported.

A levy in Minneapolis overwhelmingly passed, as did a second ballot question to change the makeup of the school board.

A failed levy in the McLeod West School District means that district will start the process of shutting down. There will be a special school board meeting Wednesday night to discuss options.

The largest bond issue in Minnesota was in the Hutchinson School District, where two bonds asked for a combined $60 million to build a new school and renovate other buildings. Both bonds failed.

Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with Minnesota Public Radio's Tom Weber, who's been following the story.

Here is a map detailing how the referenda were split across the state.