Coleman camp files complaint over Franken ad

Sen. Norm Coleman
U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman has filed a complaint against his DFL opponent, Al Franken, over an ad Coleman claims is false.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

(AP) - Sen. Norm Coleman's re-election campaign has filed a legal complaint over an ad aired by Democratic challenger Al Franken, even though a ruling won't occur until well after Tuesday's election.

The Minnesota Republican is taking issue with TV and radio commercials that claim Coleman is the fourth most corrupt senator.

The ad cites a Washington watchdog group that the Coleman campaign claims is biased toward Democrats. Coleman's campaign says the claim is baseless.

The complaint was filed on an expedited basis with the state Office of Administrative Hearings.

An official with that office says a final determination on the complaint, including whether there was a violation, will take weeks or more.

Democratic Party spokesman John Stiles says Coleman's move is a "desperate attempt to change the topic" from his Senate record.

The party says it also fits a pattern of late-campaign legal filings by Coleman.

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