McCain, Obama campaigns get out the vote

McCain campaigning in Florida
Republican presidential candidate Arizona Senator John McCain (2ndR) meets with Dr. Gary Coatoam (3rd R) and his staff at his dental practice in Altamonte Springs, Florida on October 23, 2008 during McCain's six-stop, one-day "Joe the Plumber" bus tour in Florida to meet with small business owners. AFP PHOTO Robyn BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

With the election just over a week away, volunteers for both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama have launched statewide get out the vote efforts.

Volunteers for Obama met around the state over the weekend to coordinate campaign activities. The Minnesota Obama campaign plans to knock on 3 million doors between now and election day.

Tom Goldstein lives in St. Paul and said the final stage of the campaign is crucial to an Obama win.

Barack Obama greeting supporters in Indiana
Democratic presidential nominee U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) greets people during a campaign rally at American Legion Mall October 23, 2008 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

"And so now we are in the phase where it's just making sure that all the people who have said they are going to support our candidate get out and vote and as we go door to door if we can identify other supporters or answer questions about voting or polling, it's just all hands on deck doing everything we can," Goldstein said. McCain Campaign spokesman Ben Golnik said the economic crisis is pushing many undecided voters into the McCain camp.

"We've seen a groundswell of support from those people who say 'I'm Joe the plumber here in Minnesota,' or, 'I'm Eddie the electrician,' whoever it might be, those folks have been coming over to our side and realizing that they don't want the wealth spread around,"

The McCain campaign says it is targeting Minnesota's undecided voters, as well as Republican and Independent voters.