Film festival celebrates bad video

Pickett and Preuer
Joes Pickett and Nick Preuer have known each other since high school where they began making fun of a training video for burger joint custodians Nick found. Their teenage obsession with bad video has turned into a fulltime job as they work on their Found Footage Festival
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

For the last 15 years Nick Preuer and Joe Pickett have scoured garage sales, thrift shops, and even garbage cans looking for bad videos.

They edit the worst examples together to present their "Found Footage Festival." Together they narrate an evening of ill-considered video. The festival draws sell-out crowds wherever it shows.

They'll present the latest festival tonight in the Twin Cities. Preuer and Pickett told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr it all began with a video Preuer found in high school.