Healthy behaviors linked to better GPA

The University of Minnesota's Northrop Auditorium
The University of Minnesota's Northrop Auditorium
MPR Photo/Tim Post

The University of Minnesota has released a study showing how a number of health-related issues take a toll on student grades.

The survey's results may seem obvious to parents who've warned their college-bound kids about drinking, smoking, too much TV and computer time, and not getting enough sleep.

But U of M health officials say their survey of 9,931 Minnesota undergrads is the first time such a broad range of student behavior has been linked with grade point averages.

The survey shows students who say they're stressed, or say they smoke or drink too much or don't sleep enough, have lower grade point averages than peers who make healthier choices.

Health officials at the U say they hope the results encourage students to make better choices, and colleges to closely monitor the health of their students.