Henn. Co. examines late voter registrations

Voter registration card
A Minnesota voter registration card.
MPR Photo/Toni Randolph

The Hennepin County attorney's office said it found one problem after looking into an activist group's voter registration practices.

The office began investigating the Minnesota chapter of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, after reports of people using false names and attempting to register multiple times in several other states. Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said his office found an ACORN worker turned in a batch of completed registration cards outside the 10-day window.

"There's no indication that anyone was denied the right to vote that should've had the right to vote or someone who voted who shouldn't have voted," Freeman said. "So this is procedural in nature but it is a violation of rule. And in election matters, we take everything very carefully."

Today in Washington D.C., an ACORN spokesman defended the group's voter-registration practices and downplayed reports of fraud.