The climb back is farther than the plunge

Climbing back up
The Dow will have to gain 68 percent to recoup the 40 percent loss from the peak last year to last Friday's recent low.
MPR Graphic/Bill Catlin

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 40 percent from its peak of 14,165 in October of last year to the low (so far) of 8,451 last Friday.

So, the Dow just has to regain 40 percent to get back where it was, right?


A gain of 40 percent would only get the Dow to 11,832.

To recoup the entire loss, the Dow has to gain 68 percent.


Here's the math:

14,165 x .40 = 5,713

8,451 x .40 = 3,380

8,451 x .676 = 5,713

So, after Monday's 11 percent gain, there's only 57 percent left to go.