Lower oil prices don't mean lower air fares

Northwest planes are lined up at their gates.
Northwest planes are lined up at their gates at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Sharp drops in fuel prices have not necessarily resulted in drops in airline fares.
Craig Lassig/AFP/Getty Images

The cost of jet fuel has been falling, along with the price at the pump.

It's all because of the dramatic plunge in oil prices. As global investors worry about an expanding global economic crisis, crude prices have almost been cut in half since surging to a record near $150 barrel over the summer.

However, Northwest Airlines spokeswoman Tammy Lee says it's too soon to tell when, or if, air fares and baggage fees will drop. Lee says if they do, surcharges would probably be reduced first.

"We tend to pull those back first before the fares go down, but fares are set by the marketplace, so I think you will see some of the surcharges ease up over time, but we need to see some positive trending before that probably happens," said Lee.

Typical baggage fees for domestic travel with Northwest include $15 for the first piece of luggage each way and $25 for the second. A third checked item will cost an additional $100 each way.

Thursday Northwest's cargo division announced it will soon reduce its fuel surcharges in certain markets in response to the decline in the price of jet fuel.