Mixed metaphors describe economic crisis

Congress debates bailout bill
Jack Mahoney participates in a protest on Capitol Hill against the financial bailout package.
Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

Senate Candidate Al Franken:

"The way I look at this is we were trying to drain a basement that's filled with water and it's raining out and we have a roof with a huge hole in it and we're draining the basement without fixing the roof. We needed to fix the roof, here."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

"The administration came to see us and they lifted a rock and under that rock we saw lots of vermin. We have started to address it in this legislation."

Sen. Amy Klobuchar:

"Wall Street basically is the one thing I agree with Bush on. Last summer, he said they were, like, drunk and now they have a hangover and the problem is the American people are being called in when they weren't invited to the party to clean up the furniture."

Sen. Richard Shelby:

"And they haven't even said today that this will end the crisis. They said this will lubricate the financial markets if we take the financial sludge, as we call it, off the books of the banks."

Warren Buffet:

"In the credit markets, it's like nothing I've ever seen. It really is an economic Pearl Harbor. We have never seen anything like this."

The music used in the recorded version of this story is by Esquivel.