Judge orders protesters to stay in jail

A federal judge today ordered two men accused of possessing Molotov cocktails during last week's Republican National Convention to remain in custody while they await court dates.

U.S. District Judge Michael Davis ruled Texas residents David McKay and Bradley Crowder must remain in jail while a grand jury considers their case.

Judge Davis found there was not enough evidence to prove the two men were not flight risks or dangers to the community.

The ruling follows a decision Tuesday by a lower judge that found the men posed NO danger to the community.

New evidence was introduced at the hearing that allegedly implicates McKay and Crowder in criminal activity.

Jeffrey DeGree, David McKay's attorney, says the government's handling of this case has been questionable.

"They don't want them released, so they are going to try to do what they can to make them look as bad as they can," said DeGree. "It seemed pretty clear that the officer left the courthouse yesterday with the mission to try and come up with some more stuff he could present in court this afternoon, and that is what he did."

DeGree says he and McKay's father will decide in the next week whether to appeal to have David McKay released.

Attorneys for Crowder declined to comment on the ruling. The U.S. Attorney's office also refused to comment.