The self-described Forrest Gump of comedy

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron and Logan Heftel perform together in "Satellites," an evening of words and music based on Negron's 35 years in the movie and television business.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

Taylor Negron talks about how he is accosted in England by people who want to talk about that pizza, and how, while it used to annoy him, he's really into it now.

He then begins talking about his friend who played Jan on "The Brady Bunch," who gets angry when people call her Jan.

"Why?" Negron said he asked her. "Be Jan. Tap into your inner Jan," he laughed.

As may be obvious, Taylor Negron likes to take ideas and run with them.

In addition to his film and TV experiences, he has an odd relationship with modern U.S. history, much like the title character of the movie "Forrest Gump."

"I'm the Forrest Gump of comedy," said Negron.

By chance, Negron was in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles the night Robert Kennedy was assassinated there. He was outside the Dakota apartment building in New York the day John Lennon was killed. He saw the space shuttle fall from the sky.

He was once Lucille Ball's personal assistant.

Now he's telling many of these stories in a show called "Satellites." He's doing it with the help of Twin Cities musician Logan Heftel, Saturday night, Sept. 6, at the Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis.

Taylor Negron told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr he's been in show business since he was 14, and it can play tricks with his mind.