Police prepare for peaceful protests on day 3 of RNC

Equipped with SWAT gear, the St. Paul police force stood against a wall of photographers and cameras during the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign's March For Our Lives rally in St. Paul, MN September 2, 2008.
MPR photo/Caroline Yang

Protests could again mix with politics at the Republican National Convention today. Another rally is scheduled at the State Capitol, and protestors promise more confrontations with police. Ten people were arrested yesterday, that's down from the nearly 300 arrested Monday.

While most protests this week have been peaceful, a few small groups have been violent -- breaking windows, slashing tires, and harassing delegates. Police officers from more than 100 agencies and jurisdictions are working together to police the week's events.

Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with St. Paul police chief John Harrington.