What restaurants will be open during the RNC?

The Turf Club
The Turf Club, a night club on University Ave. in St. Paul.
MPR Photo/Bill Alkofer

Here's a brief survey of what to expect at some local establishments.

The St. Paul Grill, located in the St. Paul Hotel, just blocks from the Xcel Energy Center:

The restaurant and bar will not be closed for private parties during the convention, and management encourages local patrons not to shy away. Reservations are always a good idea, but there will be room for drop-ins.

Sheryl Soren, director of marketing, recommends trying to park on side streets rather than in the nearby parking facilities, which may fill up.

W.A. Frost, in St. Paul's Cathedral Hill neighborhood:

Manager Bob Crew says RNC types courted the restaurant early on, looking to reserve it fully for their purposes, but Crew didn't want to close the door on local customers. He says the restaurant has a few small group bookings, but local patrons should be able to make reservations, which are always recommended.

The biggest crowds of convention goers are expected during the daytime. The bar, which normally closes at midnight, will stay open until 1 a.m. during the RNC.

Alary's Bar, downtown St. Paul, east of the Xcel Energy Center:

General Manager Al Baisi says even though his establishment is just up 7th Street from the RNC, he's not expecting a surge in business. The bar will be open until 4 a.m. Monday through Wednesday.

Mancini's Char House and Lounge, west of the Xcel Convention Center, St. Paul:

At this point, Mancini's has a couple of private bookings by RNC goers, but owner Pat Mancini says he doesn't expect local patrons to have a hard time getting in. He says it's possible the number of private parties could increase in the coming days. As of August 22, Mancini was not sure whether they would extend their bar hours.

Chambers Kitchen at the Chambers Hotel, Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis:

General manager Cliff Atkinson says the hotel overall will be chockablock with RNC functions. The restaurant is pretty booked up Sunday-Thursday, but they will set aside some tables for VIP and local guests. Best to call in advance to see if you can squeeze in a reservation. The bars in the hotel will be open until 4 a.m.

The Dakota Jazz Club and Restaurant, Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis:

The Dakota will be closed for private functions during the day the week of the convention, as well as Tuesday evening. It will be open 10:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Seating at tables will be limited for live music shows that week.

First Avenue, Minneapolis:

The club will be closed for private parties Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights. The rest of the week it will be open to the public until 4 a.m.

Nye's Polonaise, Minneapolis:

The restaurant/bar had expected to be closed a couple of nights for private parties, but those bookings fell through, and the general manager says Nye's will be open for normal business. The retro-chic bar will close at normal time at 2 a.m.

The Triple Rock Social Club, Minneapolis:

Owner Eric Funk says he's not anticipating an uptick in business from convention goers, but he does expect some protesters to find their way over. The club does not have any private bookings during the RNC.

The Turf Club, St. Paul:

The club will have a full, normal week of programming during the RNC. They're not expecting drastically increased traffic. But as Bill Caperton of the Turf Club, puts it: "hopefully, worn-out journalists looking for a drink and a good show will show up."

Grumpy's Bars, Minneapolis and Roseville (two locations):

Owner Tom Hazelmeyer doesn't expect to see much extra traffic at the locations on Washington Ave. or in northeast Minneapolis, but he says the Roseville location might fill up a bit more during the RNC. The bars will not have extended hours.