Minn. teacher charged with having child porn

A 37-year-old high school teacher from Lamberton has been charged with possession of child pornography after a search of his home computer.

Jason Kedl is a teacher a Red Rock Central High School. He appeared on court on Monday. He was released on the promise that he reappear on court, that he have no unsupervised contact with minors and that he stay off the Web.

The criminal complaint says the investigation started when the state Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force tipped local authorities that suspicious files were being posted from a Red Rock Internet address.

The address was tracked to the Kedl residence. A search of the home allegedly turned up 438 images or movie files of alleged child pornography.

School superintendent John Brennan says Kedl is on administrative leave.

Kedl's attorney, Thomas Van Hon of Fairfax, said he wasn't able to comment much.

"I've gotten some information from the county attorney and am in the process of evaluating that," he said. "That's really all I can say for now."

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